Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day! {shrimp fest}

I hope that everyone had a splendid Memorial Day. And of course, thank you to all the men and women that served, and are serving. All gave some, and some gave all.

What a weekend. Today is Memorial Day, and Mr. B's birthday weekend! The old man turns 24! So, today to celebrate the both (since he had off work), we had a Shrimp Fest! We bought 2 pounds of shrimp, and 7 ears of corn. We at 1 and 9/10 of a lb of shrimp, and 4 ears of corn (which, by the way Mr. B said he would consume by himself...) :).

We boiled our shrimp with 1/2 a cup of beer, 2 tablespoons of Old Bay and 1/2 a cup of water (that's per lb). Yummy yum! We wound up sprinkling some Old Bay on top of the shrimp as well. I was very pleased to have found a bottle of Old Bay out West! And of course, being out West, you have to Coors with your shrimp. It's only fitting.

We visited the town of Golden (where Coors is made) a couple of weeks ago. The whole town smells like hops and barley. It's divine...

We had sweet corn with our meal, which took forever to cook. Normally it takes 10 minutes to have your corn nice and tender. But I cooked these bad boys a good 17! I thought they would never get done.

And last but not least, Mr. B had the ingenious idea of having watermelon with our feast as well.


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