Tuesday, May 19, 2009

{that wonderful thing called inspiration}

You know that excited, antsy feeling you get when you find something that really sparks ideas? Or maybe that is just me? Well, that is inspiration for me! I love that feeling, I'm pretty much obsessed with inspiration boards/concepts, I scour the far corners of the internet looking for them, to get that little spark. And I get especially excited when those inspiration boards involve weddings.

I love preppy, girly things, and it for sure shows in these few inspiration boards that just so happened to be some of my favorites....

I love the bouquet in this one, from fellow blogger, Tastefully Entertaining, the texture is just beautiful. And I have a great love for daffodils. The bridesmaids dress is sweet and simple. But, I feel it a bit more appropriate for an evening renewal to have full length dresses. Mr. B enjoys the tie for this one, but inverted of course, since blue is his favorite color. Blue table linens are a must, but with yellow napkins that I hope will hold our menu.

This board is from blogger With This Ring. Mr. B and I are hoping to have glass drink dispensers with lemonade, and other lovely drinks to serve up. The cake is simple and modern, but lovely. I find myself more and more attracted to modern, simple cakes.

This one is by far my favorite, from Snippet and Ink. Which, just so happens to be one of my favorite wedding blogs. Now, I won't be wearing a yellow dress and getting re-married at a courthouse, the dress it is darling. I love the incorporating of lemons, and think the would be lovely immersed in water in a tall vase.

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